Potential Implications for the Activity of the Altotiberina Low-Angle Normal Fault”
In the framework of the Surface Faulting Hazard Analysis of the Montedoglio dam, the founders of shaking, in collaboration with several Italian and foreign institutions (University of Perugia and INGV – Italy; CEREGE and IRSN – France), analysed the capability of the Anghiari fault (Upper Tiber Valley, Northern Apennines of Italy) to reach and break the topographic surface during a strong earthquake.
The results of this analysis have been recently published on the scientific journal Tectonics.
The article entitled “Paleoseismological Constraints on the Anghiari Normal Fault (Northern Apennines, Italy) and Potential Implications for the Activity of the Altotiberina Low-Angle Normal Fault” is available open-access on the Journal website.
The paleoseismological investigations revealed the recurrence of several historical and prehistorical earthquakes nucleated on the Anghiari fault and allowed to ascertain its capability to recurrently break the surface during strong earthquakes.
This research also investigated the potential implications for the debated seismogenic behavior of the Altotiberina low-angle normal fault.
Download the paper here: