About Shaking

Our company is a spin-off of the University “G. D’Annunzio” of Chieti – Pescara (Italy), founded in 2023. We provide services in the field of seismic hazard, using a modern earthquake geology approach and developing innovative methodologies for hazard assessment. We are specialized in seismic hazard evaluations, starting from the gathering of active/seismogenic fault parameters to the development and application of probabilistic models for both ground shaking and fault displacement hazard analysis. We help our clients in evaluating the safety of pre-existing or in design-stage infrastructures, providing numerical quantification of the hazards for the development of risk-based strategies.

Our Activities

Fault Displacement Hazard Analysis
Kerengu Fault, in Stirling et al., 2017, Bull. New. Zeal. Soc. Earthq. Eng.

Fault Displacement Hazard Analysis

Ground Shaking Seismic Hazard Analysis
Valentini et al., 2017, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci.

Ground Shaking Seismic Hazard Analysis

Metodology & Innovation

Methodology & Innovation

Fault Displacement Hazard Analysis

Data Acquisition

Data Acquisition

Active faults identification and characterization through the most updated earthquake geology techniques, high resolution geological and fault mapping, paleoseismological studies, planning and management of geophysic and geognostic investigations.
Data Processing

Data Processing

Definition of fault seismic potential (maximum expected magnitude, slip rates, expected displacement, recurrence intervals, etc.). Building of rupture scenarios for deterministic and probabilistic fault displacement hazard analysis. Probabilistic Fault Displacement Hazard Analysis (PFDHA).
Data Analysis
Testa et al., 2021, Ital. J. Geosci.

Data Visualization

Building of thematic maps in GIS environment, orthopotomosaic and logs from structure from motion acquisitions, fault zoning and site-specific fault displacement hazard quantification for risk-based approaches. Probabilistic fault displacement hazard curves and maps.

Ground Shaking Seismic Hazard Analysis

Data Acquisition

Data Acquisition

Building of seismotectonic models from geologic, geodetic and seismologic data. Active faults identification and characterization for fault-based ground shaking seismic hazard analysis.
Data Processing

Data Processing

Fault parametrization, calculation of earthquake rates and magnitude-frequency distribution, design of seismic hazard models. Fault-based or non-fault-based, time-dependent or poissonian Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessments (PSHA). PSHA for local and site-specific hazards studies. Deaggregation analysis for definition of design earthquakes and selection of accelerograms for local seismic response studies.
Data Analysis

Data Visualization

Building of thematic maps in GIS environment, ground shaking seismic hazard maps, curves and spectra.

Methodology & Innovation

Development and implementation of updated numerical codes for Probabilistic Fault Displacement Hazard Analysis and ground shaking Seismic Hazard Analysis.

Training courses on ground shaking and fault displacement hazard analyses.  

Who we are

Alessio Testa

Alessio Testa

Company's Director, responsible for field data collection and fault characterization
Paolo Boncio

Paolo Boncio

for field data collection
and fault
Bruno Pace

Bruno Pace

Responsible for seismic hazard and fault displacement hazard modelling
Francesco Visini

Francesco Visini

Responsible for seismic hazard and fault displacement hazard modelling

Were we are